Liza Craig
Liza Craig serves as a member of Decisive Point's Board of Advisors. She is an attorney at Reed Smith, LLP and a member of Reed Smith's Global Regulatory Enforcement Group, where she focuses on government contracting. Liza has significant experience advising on complex, high-dollar-value weapon systems competitive procurements, on highly technical IT procurements, and on procurements (both large and small) of supplies and services. Prior to joining Reed Smith, Liza worked as a senior associate counsel with the Department of the Navy Office of the General Counsel for over a decade. In this role, she provided legal counsel to numerous navy general and flag officers and senior executives, as well as their staff, primarily focusing on procurement law, fiscal law, and government ethics. Liza is also a professorial lecturer in law at the George Washington University Law School where she lectures on the formation of government contracts and mediation to J.D. and LL.M. candidates.